School Uniform
School Uniform : Grade I to Grade X
- Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays- Sky Blue shirt, Navy Blue pants, Grey tie, belt, Black shoes and black socks. (Please note- the uniform MUST be neat and tidy. Torn uniform will not be allowed.)
- Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays- Sports Uniform as per house system, House colour T shirt, White Track pants, White canvas shoes and white socks.
Uniform : LKG & UKG - Sports Uniform
- Yellow T Shirt and Navy Blue Half pants, Black socks and Black Belt/Velcro Shoes.
- Girls must tie two pony tails (hair above shoulder level) or two pleats (hair below shoulder level) with black hair bands/black ribbons respectively. Long ear rings, bangles, bracelets, anklets, chains, nail paints, finger rings, nose ring/studs, forehead bindis, fancy hair accessories, threads and any other type of ornaments are strictly prohibited in school campus.
- Boys must not wear kadas, chains, bracelets, threads, finger rings etc. Any religious mark of discrimination should not be worn. Boys must wear a decent hairdo and avoid funky and fancy hairstyles.
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